I will be hosting another organizational meeting for my upcoming mission trips to Lebanon (May) and Burundi (June) at 7 pm on Monday, March 11th at my home. I have a group forming for each of the trips, but there is still room for additional missionaries.
The two trips are very different. In Lebanon, we will be witnessing our Christian faith to the Muslim refugees living in Tyre and other cities in Lebanon. We will do this by teaching simple Bible studies to Muslim people seeking to learn the truth about Jesus, attending and participating in worship services in or near the refugee camps, and teaching oral bible story-telling techniques to pastors and lay leaders in the areas we visit. We will also get a chance to explore the ancient, yet simultaneously ultra-modern city of Beirut.
The Burundi trip (June 16th – July 1st) is altogether different than the Lebanon. In Burundi, we will teach orality to pastors and lay leaders, visit our adopted village of Gahararo and swap cultural and religious stories with villagers, attend Burundian worship services, and visit our friends at The Cries of A Child orphanage. We have awesome partners in Burundi who always welcome us with open arms and hearts. They take great care of us and always give us an excellent mission experience.
Both trips are still open, but Burundi requires a visa that can sometimes take weeks to process. If you are inclined to go to Burundi with us, you will need to decide within several days of the organizational meeting so we can buy airplane tickets, apply for our visas, begin fundraising, and start our pre-trip training.
The Lebanon trip is also open. The dates for this Mission trip are May 17th-28th. Although visas for Lebanon are issued at the airport on arrival in Beirut, there is a similar sense of urgency to set the team because the trip is coming up in just over two months. I would also like to have my Lebanon team together within several days after next Tuesday’s meeting.
Please come to the meeting so you can learn about these awesome mission opportunities! Not only will you be a blessing to the people we work with in-country, but the mission experience will be richly rewarding to you as well. If you have been looking for a way to share your love of God with others while simultaneously enhancing your Christian walk, either (or both!) of these trips are for you.
Let me know if you will attend!
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