About us
Lighting the Path, One Meal at a Time
Global Care Alliance began with a simple act of kindness in Colonet, Mexico. Today, inspired by faith and compassion, we reach out across borders, nourishing souls and filling plates. Join our journey of hope and love.
Community Center
Vicente Guerrero, Mexico is a poor farming town in the San Quintin region of the Baja peninsula, about 250 miles south of San Diego. The town is home to thousands of migrants from the interior Mexican states of Oaxaca, Yucatan, Michoacan, and Chiapas…
Frances Kitchen
Global Care Alliance (GCA) was born out of an outreach project when we partnered with a local Mexican woman named Frances Sifuentes in the village of Colonet, Mexico. When our founder, Niles Sharif, met Frances in 2005…
Medical Clinic
The migrant community in the San Quintin Valley faces many health challenges. Their diet is very poor chronic diseases caused by malnutrition are at epidemic levels. Almost every person in the community, including the children, suffers from obesity…
Feeding Program
In 2012, GCA began doing projects with the Batwa people in the African nation of Burundi. The Batwa are the indigenous people of Burundi. They are desperately poor and have a shocking infant mortality rate…
Housing Project
We work in two Batwa villages in Muyinga Province in the northern part of Burundi. The first village, called Gahararo, is home to 72 Batwa families. The second village, Ruganirwa, is home to 54 families…
Water Project
Prior to late 2017, the Batwa’s access to water was difficult indeed. The nearest source was a 2-mile walk down an extremely steep and narrow path. The water had to be carried back to the village in heavy jerry cans…
Goat Distribution Project
We visited Nepal and planned the details of a goat distribution project to be done for the indigenous Chepang people living in the Himalayan village of Kaule…
Join us! Together we can save lives
Greta was born with a condition that caused her head to be extremely large. Greta was unable walk, unable to talk, and unable to see and needed an expensive surgery to cure her. I am so thankful to GCA for paying for the surgery. Greta’s head is now returning to normal and she can see and hear. The doctors think she will soon be able to walk. God bless your work here in Burundi!