Dear Global Care Alliance friends,
We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your support, continued donations, and prayers. As we start our work this year, we want to look at our accomplishments of 2021, which was a banner year for us. We are excited and looking forward to setting some goals for 2022, which, along with your contributions, will help change the lives of many people around the world.
In 2021, we treated over 6,000 patients in our clinic in Vicente Guerrero, providing medical assistance in general practice, psychology, nutrition, ophthalmology, optometry, and diabetic counseling. We started an alliance with Eternal Anchor to use our community center in Vicente Guerrero for their school of 75 children and adults with special needs. We resumed our annual Christmas party after missing a year due to Covid. Giving Christmas presents to just under 500 underserved Mexican children providing 750 meals to them and their families.
In 2022 we are hopeful that our relationship with our partners will continue to strengthen. We aim to raise our patient load at the clinic in Vicente Guerrero to the point where we can bring on an additional doctor. In my opinion, we will require another doctor when our patient load reaches an average of 800 patients per month. Currently, we are seeing roughly 500 patients per month. We added ophthalmology and optometry in 2021. In 2022, we intend to add additional specialties, and we also plan to have an outreach to battered women in the area. In addition, we created clubs for diabetes and nutrition, which are thriving, and we intend to expand their reach.
In 2020, we started helping the Batwa village of Ruganirwa. Ruganirwa is only about 200 yards down the road from our adopted Batwa village of Gahararo. When we started working there two years ago, the people of Ruganirwa were in bad shape. Their children were starving, few could go to school, and the families lived in grade huts. For two years now, the children in Ruganirwa have been sharing in the porridge in Gahararo. As a result, deaths caused by starvation have dropped dramatically. In addition, we provided school supplies and backpacks so that the village children could attend school, and the Villagers have had access to the freshwater system we built-in 2017.
In 2021, we brought electric lighting to our adopted Batwa village of Gahararo in the African nation of Burundi through our solar lighting project in which we purchased, delivered, and installed solar lighting kits in each of the village’s 72 houses. As a result, the village children are now able to study with full light at night. In the past, the children could only study at night if their families had enough money to buy them small candles, which most could not afford.
We built 50 new houses for Batwa families in Burundi to replace their grass huts and provide solar lighting systems for each of those families.
We established an after-school center in the slum of Musama in the city of Bujumbura, Burundi, where school children can come to study, play, and learn about Jesus.
Late last year, we held a fundraiser for our projects in Burundi, Lebanon, and Nepal. $50,000 of the money we raised will be used this year to build each of the 50 Batwa families in Ruganirwa an adobe home like the previously built-in Gahararo. In addition, each of the homes will be equipped with a solar lighting system. We anticipate being able to complete this entire project this year. I will be traveling to Burundi in April and again in September to assist with this project.
In 2021 we provided a grant to our partner in Nepal, Pastor Raju Bhitrakoti, which purchased food and supplies for the winter for 250 families in a village high in the foothills of the Himalayas. I will be returning to Nepal to follow up on our feeding project and determine what we should do next.
In 2020, we provided food and emergency supplies to 250 families displaced by the devastating blast at the Port of Beirut. I will be traveling to Beirut in June to determine if there is a project for us to do this year.
Thank you again for your support. Please pray that we can find a new partner in Lebanon to continue our work there, and that we will be able to advance our work and increase our presence in Nepal. Also that our relationships with our partners in Burundi and Mexico will continue to strengthen. Thank you again for your continued contributions in making a difference with the underserved of these communities.
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